標題太長 其實是<Christina Perri - Human> lyrics fill in th blank + chinese translation (歌詞填空 + 中文翻譯)
還有懶人一姐我都還沒有放音樂進手機,所以就聽聽iTunes Radio擋擋 (其實非常有可能就都聽radio了XD)
去了一趟APPLE網頁擷取iTUNES的本周各地區的前10名 <iTunes Store Top 10 Pop Songs>
這對於像我這種想聽音樂但自己懶得找或是不知從何找起的人是個不錯的選擇^ ^
Christina Perri - Human
而且這首歌歌詞很清楚很慢蠻適合做練習的^ ^
I can hold my ______.
I can bite my ______.
I can stay ______ for days if thats what you want.
Be your number one.
I can ______ a smile.
I can ______ a laugh.
I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask.
Give you all I am.
I can do it *3
#But I'm only ______.
And I ______ when I fall down.
I'm only human.
And I crash and I break down.
Your words in my head, ______ in my heart.
You build me up and then I fall apart.
'Cause I'm only human.#
I can turn it on.
Be a good ______.
I can hold the ______ of the worlds if that's what you need.
Be your everything.
I can do it *2
I'll get ______ it
I'm only human*2
Just a little human.
I can take so ______.
Till I've had ______.
=查了一下發現A Thousand Years 也是她的歌,果然有相似的感覺:) =
I can hold my breath.
I can bite my tongue.
I can stay awake for days if thats what you want.
Be your number one.
I can fake a smile.
I can force a laugh.
I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask.
Give you all I am.
I can do it *3
#But I'm only human.
And I bleed when I fall down.
I'm only human.
And I crash and I break down.
Your words in my head, knives in my heart.
You build me up and then I fall apart.
'Cause I'm only human.#
I can turn it on.
Be a good machine.
I can hold the weight of the worlds if that's what you need.
Be your everything.
I can do it *2
I'll get through it
I'm only human*2
Just a little human.
I can take so much.
Till I've had enough.
hold ones breath --憋氣, 這邊是指乖乖聽話不吭聲
bite my tougue -- 閉嘴(口語) 叫別人閉上嘴就說Bite your tongue!
stay awake -- 醒著, 我一開始聽成away,但考慮到歌詞後面提到像個機器一樣所以stay awake比較合理
fake a smile -- 假(裝)(微)笑, 他在假笑"He is faking a smile"如果是 她臉上掛著一抹假笑那就是"She has a fake smile on."啦~
force a laugh -- 假(裝)笑(出聲), laugh 是哈哈笑出聲那種,所以雖然都是假笑卻不盡相同喔!
play the part -- 扮演那個角色
weight of the worlds --現實生活的煩惱困難殘酷現實
get through sth -- 撐過去(某事) ex. 你會撐過去的! You'll get through it!
I can take so much -- 我只能忍受這麼多 ex. 我受夠了! I can't take it anymore!
had enough -- 受夠了! ex. 我受夠他了! I've had enough of him!
最後獻醜了 試著翻看看!
我是希望即使只看中文也是通順流暢的 希望有做到(汗)
我可以很聽話 I can hold my breath.
我可以甚麼都不說 I can bite my tongue.
我可以為你好幾天都不闔眼 I can stay awake for days if thats what you want.
當你的心中的第一 Be your number one.
我可以為你微笑 I can fake a smile.
我可以為你大笑 I can force a laugh.
我可以為你舞蹈,扮演任何角色 I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask.
給你我的全部 Give you all I am.
我做得到 I can do it *3
但我只是凡人 #But I'm only human.
我會受傷會流血 And I bleed when I fall down.
我只是凡人 I'm only human.
我會失落會崩潰 And I crash and I break down.
你說的話盤旋我腦海 像利刃刺進我的心 Your words in my head, knives in my heart.
你誘惑我 我便瓦解 You build me up and then I fall apart.
因為我不過凡人 'Cause I'm only human.#
我甚麼都可以為你 I can turn it on.
任你差遣使喚 Be a good machine.
只要你願意 我可以為你承擔一切 I can hold the weight of the worlds if that's what you need.
為你成為任何東西 Be your everything.
我可以做到的 I can do it *2
我會撐過去的 I'll get through it
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我不過是凡人 I'm only human*2
區區一個凡人 Just a little human.
我只能忍受那麼多 I can take so much.
直到我已受夠了 Till I've had enough.
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寫的蠻開心的, 不論是英文聽打練習或者是翻譯都是不錯的練習:)